
Prestigious Homes Flat Fee MLS (No hidden Costs) Since 1998
Homes are listed in the MLS under Prestigious Homes Realty, not a discount service.
Our Name gets Results!
List Sell Property in the MLS
Other services - Photography
We Cover : Palm Beach, Broward, Dade
Martin, and St Lucie Counties.

We Offer Professional Photography by one of the best Photographers in south Florida
Homes Listed with Professional Real Estate Photos Sell Quicker and For More Money. This Is Why.
From one of the best
Photographers in South Florida
How The MLS Listing Service
Works For You, The Seller
and how you
Save Thousands
A 600k sale price will save a seller
approx 20k
Services we offer below
( some services only come with the 299 package)
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No Hidden Fees , No Cancellation fees |
Homes Listed with Professional Real Estate Photos Sell Quicker and For More Money. This Is Why.
First impressions are everything, especially in home buying. A gorgeous exterior vs. a crummy one decides whether you walk in the front door. Inside, spotless interiors are more likely to inspire a life there than a cluttered house that’s clearly, well, someone else’s home.
Homes professionally photographed with high-performance Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) sold quicker and for thousands of dollars, more than homes shot with amateur photos.
Prestigious Homes Realty
How The Flat Fee MLS Works
Our Name alone is worth the cost of a MLS Listing SERVICE
List in the MLS your home,condo, rental, town home, land, or multi family
How the MLS Flat Fee Service Works:
A Traditional real estate agent may charge sellers a 6% -7% of the home's sale price to list a property on the MLS. This commission is typically split equally between the Listing Agent and the Selling Agent the agent who procures a buyer.
With a Flat Fee MLS Listing service from Prestigious Homes Realty you will be performing the tasks traditionally done by The Listing Agent. thus you as the seller save the compensation that is paid out to a listing agent which is usually half the 6% or 7% you are charged. This saves you the Seller half or more of the cost of selling your property. Thus, with a traditional full-commission broker.
Lets use an example.
Selling a $800,000 home with a traditional broker the fee would be 6-7% . For this exmple we will use 6% your total l cost $48,000. But with our Service there is only a small fee ( $179-$299 ) and you would only need pay the Selling listing agent if they sell your home and it closes. The selling agent commsion is betewen 2.5%- 3% percent offerd in the MLS. You save the listing comission that is results in a 3% savings or 24,000 you the Seller Saved.
The service provided by Prestigious Homes is a listing in the MLS for your area and on the internet websites such as, Zillow, Trulia, Trulia, among hundreds of others. You the seller, will be handling most the aspects of your own transaction. Prestigious Homes will be placing the home in the MLS and provide you with the rules you need follow for your local MLS. Following the rules is vital for keeping your listing active !!!!!!!! Prestigious Homes offers 100% lead protection and depending on what plan you take, we offer extra services; such as, Forms contracts, negotiation, help with pricing, advise on contracts, Flyers, comps, lockboxs , For sale signs, Photography services as well as listing your home in the MLS .
prices from 159.99 to 299.00
Call for Help if Needed 561 392 2450.
With Prestigious Homes Realty
Our name (Prestigious Homes) will Your phone Number is in the MLS and contact info with 100% lead protection from zillow, trulia, and dozens more from the Internet! - No Hidden Fees , No cancellation fees
Your Home in the MLS,, and dozens all over the internet.
*Note ( this is for everyone) The MLS doesn’t allow the owners contact information displayed on the Public internet, However your contact info and showing instructions will be available to all Realtors® always
Phone 561-392-2450 Please in In Central and North Florida Only 561-392-2450m-f 9am to 5pm & Sat 9am - 2pm
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Services we offer
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• Property listed in the MLS and...
• 100% Lead Protection
• Your property will also be on® zillow Trulia and 100's of other
sites and pages throughout the internet at no additional cost!
• You can upload up to 50 photos onto your local MLS, depending on the MLS and the plan you have chosen.
• You set the commission to the buyer’s agent. (traditionally 2% - 3%, but it’s up to you)
• If you find your own buyer you don't need pay any commission and you retain your right to sell it yourself and pay NO additional fees or commissions to anybody. Keep Your Hard Earned Equity in Your Pocket!
• We Offer professional Photography by one of the best photographers in south Florida
•Flyers, comps, lockboxs available ( depending on the plan you have chosen )
• Access For Sale Sign
• Access to Supra electronic lockbox that record realtor info upon entering your home.
• You work with buyers, schedule showings & negotiate your offers. Your name and contact number is displayed for agents on the MLS as the direct contact. (we can help with contract and advice, or help reading a contract as well depending on what plan you choose.)
• Your house will be automatically syndicated and displayed on popular real estate sites like Coldwell Banker®, RE/MAX®, Keller Williams®, Zip Realty®, Century 21®, and others where thousands of local buyers search.
• We Offer professional Photography by one of the best Photographers in south Florida
• Access to all the required state disclosure forms ( depending on the plan you have chosen ).
• Cancel at anytime for any reason. No Fee!
In a Limited Service listing, Prestigious Homes Realty lists your property in the MLS ,
The MLS ( Multiple Listing Service ) is used by Realtors.
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