Plan 1.
See coverage areas
561 392 2450
Homes Listed under Prestigious homes not discount service
The Package Includes:
$299 Our Best Deal
Homes Listed under Prestigious homes not discount service, for as long as you want
- List property in the MLS and internet , Zillow,Trulia, Redfin dozens more. and 100's of realtor sites many more sites thru the internet
- Includes: Unlimited Price & Commission Changes
35 changes other than above
- access to Supra lockbox
- Sign (our logo & name, your phone#)
- Comps
- ( No Hidden Costs No Cancelation Fess)
- Broker help with contracts form, and advice/review
- Maximum photos 50 in the MLS,, and dozens more ( depends on MLS board limits )
Photo enhancement included
Have our Photographer come out and take professional photos of your home for only $39 dollars with this plan
-Drone Ariel Shots included-
(Normal rate is $150 )
only available in palm beach and broward counties (dade miami Port St Lucie, martin there is extra fee )
see photo work
Special services you will not get any were else
1. our name
2. If you take a 299 order you get access to Ron's broker expertise
Ron is a millionaire several times over and has 30 years experience in selling a properties, you the Seller can access his experience and advise from Ron through a $299 order which you wont get anywhere else that level of experience
- Pricing advice
- Homes Listed under Prestigious homes not discount service, for as long as you want
- 100% Lead Protection from the internet.
- FREE Color brochure for you to print
- Includes: Unlimited Price & Commission Changes plus 35 additional changes for other items
- Maximum photos in the MLS ( depends on MLS board limits )
- Comps
- Broker help with contracts form, and advice/review
- access to Supra lockbox
includes , Zillow,Trulia, Redfin dozens more. and 100's of realtor sites many more sites thru the internet

National exposure
IDX fed website's:,, & More
- The Florida Association of Realtors IDX web sites: such as,, and other Major Real Estate companies's web sites
such as Coldwell Banker - Century 21 ,and More. Web sites are subject
to change.
- The Seller has the use of Prestigious Homes Realty's Logos ( to use
to their own flyers )
- Free yard Signs With our Logo Your phone
# see example
( signs must be picked up at office or small shipping fee is charged)
- No Hidden Fees , No cancellation fees
- Access to Contracts,Leases Disclosures Etc.
- Broker expertise, can ask questions to the broker up to 20 min's.
Be able to ask broker questions about a contract you might receive.
- Supra Electronic Lock box -a TOP security electronic Lockbox
or combo lock box ( with refundable security deposit). (NOTE: Supra
Electronic lock box not Available in Central FL and N Florida. NOTE Combo
lock boxes are available free with deposit. )
Comes with a
"Prestigious Homes Realty"
For Sale Signs
"Click Here"
to see an example of a for sale sign !
( signs must be picked up at office
or small shipping fee is charged)
coverage areas